Homily 2025-02-16

“Good morning, everyone. One of the great things about our scriptures are that they can give us very simple images; easy to relate to, easy to understand. And in the first reading from the prophet Jeremiah today, we’re given two images of different environments. One a kind of barren wasteland, a desert area where there’s no fruits being brought forth. And the other, a luscious oasis . . .

Listen Here
Trivia Nights

Trivia Night #6 – Monday, February 24 from 7-8:30 PM.  Gift yourself an evening of fun, friendship, and fellowship in this third year of the very popular “pub-style” Trivia Night. Your team of 2-8 players will have fun strategizing and answering diverse questions in this year’s new format.  Bring snacks, desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy with your team. Last year we averaged 6-7 teams and around 50 people, and the Community Room can easily hold twice as many teams.  Join us!

Bible Study

We continue “The Way of Beauty” this Tuesday, Feb 25 as we begin a two week study of the Book of Esther (1:1-10:11, but some of the verse numberings might surprise you!).  A 16th century stained-glass piece from the Netherlands and an oil painting by Dutch artist Jan Steen will accompany our study.  Classes meet from 10-11:30 AM in the Community Room.  Bring your Bible and a notebook!


Wednesday, February 26, 7:00 pm in the church.

Our next Metro speaker will be Mary Beth Garvin Director of Encounter School of Ministry.  This school draws from the richness of our Catholic heritage as we seek to teach, equip, and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in their spheres of influence.

Marc Fogel’s family: Sustained by Rosary & Faith

The family of Marc Fogel, an American schoolteacher who returned to the U.S. after being detained in Russia for more than three years, has shared with EWTN how devotion to the holy rosary sustained them throughout his imprisonment.

Read the Full Article
Lent with the Psalms

For the third year, we will take a guided Lenten journey on Monday mornings from 10-11:30.  This year we will use the 150 Psalms to enrich our Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  The Psalms were the “prayerbook of Jesus”, form the backbone of the Church’s daily Liturgy of the Hours, and provide rich soil for our spiritual growth during this season.  Join us Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 and April 7.

Parish Mission 2025 - Surge of the Heart

We encourage everyone to join us for a life-changing experience with nationally know Catholic speaker, best selling author and radio host, Jon Leonetti March 2-3 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.  Jon will give us both practical and effective ways to live, know and grow in our Catholic faith.  Sharing powerful stories of the martyrs and saints, Jon will inspire and challenge us in our call to holiness.  Jon has been featured on the nations top Catholic websites, blogs and radio shows.

Lenten Fish Fry

St. Raphael’s Lenten Fish Fries start March 7!  From food prep to cashier to clean up, we need many volunteers each week to make these events successful.  We're also in need of baked goods donations for the Fish Fries (Please note, we are asking for items to be nut-free). 

Contact Tom Pussel with any questions:(tpussel@saintraphaelparish.com; 440-360-7752)

More Information & To Volunteer
My Daily Prayers

My Daily Prayers, a free recording led by clergy of the diocese, provides a new way to enter into a deeper, more personal relationship with God.

General Offertory Fund

Contributions are welcome at any time!


OLDER (but still relevant) Parish News

Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

The 2025 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal kicks off with an in-pew appeal at all Masses the weekend of February 15-16.

More Information DONATE Watch Bishop's Video
Ignite Young Adult Conference
 Saturday February 22, 2025
at St. Ignatius High School
Children's After School Collection

January 25th—February 23rd

We invite you to open your heart to the Centers who serve children to make a difference in their lives.  Items needed are available on lists posted on the magnetic boards in the Gathering Area and in Good Shepard Square.  Donations can be placed in the marked bins in Good Shepherd Square till February 23rd.  Thank you in advance for your generosity and support, it is much appreciated!

Veronica's Veil

St. Raphael Parish has been given access to several images of Veronica's Veil, issued by the Vatican as sacred relics.   Up to thirty families each week will have the chance to host one of these sacred images in their home for prayer and reflection.  This beautiful devotion invites you to console the heart of Jesus and to make reparation for sins.  Bring the Face of Christ into Your Home!

Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines:
Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes
This 10-day, 8-night pilgrimage is scheduled for
April 15-24, 2026 
with Fr. Dan through
206 Tours
Brochure & Itinerary
Angel Scholarship Fund

Please consider directing a portion of your Ohio state income taxes to Saint Raphael’s Angel Scholarship Fund and ensure all students have access to an affordable catholic education. 


Do you need:

  • Assistance in discerning God's will in your life?
  • Help identifying the movements of good and evil spirits in making wise decisions?
  • Help in growing deeper in your relationship with God?

Contact parishioner Mike Manco for spiritual direction: mikemanco63@gmail.com or 216-496-4001

2025 Jubilee Year of Hope

A banner of the Holy Door of Saint Peter's Basilica is displayed on the church seasonal shelf, just to the right of the sanctuary.  Pope Francis opened the Holy Door the evening of December 24, 2024, and ushered in the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope. Click below for more details.

Jubilee Website Overview The Holy Door
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Edward C. Malesic

"The goal of this letter is to provide you with a resource for reflection, that you might be drawn more deeply into prayer and a more intimate relationship with Jesus."

Watch the Video Read the Entire Letter
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