Director of Faith Formation
(440) 360-2748
Registration for the 2024/25 is closed.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Joanna Parsons.
Saint Raphael Parish School of Religion is a Catholic Religious Education Program for our parish children attending public schools. Our comprehensive program serves baptized children ages 3 through Grade 5. It uses Diocesan approved curriculum and supplemental materials to provide a program that supports parents and guardians as the primary teachers of the Catholic Faith in the home.
We have more than thirty volunteer catechists and numerous adult volunteers of all ages and walks of life. Some are teachers, business workers, parents, grandparents, and so much more. Each catechist is VIRTUS compliant in Child Protection and has passed a Background Check.
The PSR Religious Education calendar runs from September to May and includes instructional days plus out-of-the-classroom experiences. You will find our program includes Mass, Confession, Parish Mission Events/Speakers, Spiritual Olympics, Stations of the Cross, Called to Protect lessons, a Campus Prayer Walk, Jesus Buddies, and other unique experiences specific to grade levels.
$125 per child on a sliding scale for multiple children.
1 Child in PSR = $125
2 Children in PSR = $225
3 Children in PSR = $300
Homeschool Fee is $45 per student
Our Preschool/Kindergarten Religion classes take place on Sunday mornings from September to May in the classrooms of Saint Raphael School. Class begins at 9:45 a.m. and runs until 11:00.
Most area school districts, including Saint Raphael School, require the age for admittance into Kindergarten to 5 years old by August 1st. This is also the acceptance age date for the Saint Raphael Preschool Religion program. It’s important to keep your child with Kindergarten classmates, so they can continue to move up as a group for Grade 1 and eventually be together for First Communion in Grade 2.
Preschool Religion
Register your child for age 3 if: turning age 3 by August 1, 2024, beginning Kindergarten in the Fall of 2026
Register your child age 4 if: turning age 4 by August 1, 2024, beginning Kindergarten in the Fall of 2025
Kindergarten Religion
Register your child for age 5 / Kindergarten Religion if: turning age 5 by August 1, 2024, beginning Kindergarten this year
Children are welcome in Saint Raphael’s Sunday Preschool/Kindergarten Religion class whether they attend Saint Raphael Kindergarten during the week, Montessori school, or a public school Kindergarten. We use a different Religion textbook than Saint Raphael School to compliment and vary the lessons for the children.
NOTE: If your child already attended our 3, 4, or Kindergarten Religion classes and will be repeating that year, you have a choice to request the same teacher or a different one. Please contact Joanna Parsons to discuss.
Orientation Meeting
Join us for an orientation on the Saturday before our first Sunday class September 21 at either 11:30 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. for 30 minutes in the School Library. Information will include the calendar of the year, Early Childhood prayers, an overview of the Preschool Religion curriculum and helpful hints for parents on teaching your child about God. Following a brief presentation, the children will be able to get oriented by visiting their classroom, sitting in a school chair at a student desk and seeing where the water fountains and restrooms are located.
Special Events & Highlights
Christmas Pageant, Adopt-a-Grandparent program, Palm Sunday Event, Neighbors that Care and Helping Hands parish food collections.
Parent Volunteers
Saint Raphael Parish School of Religion (PSR) would not be possible without our volunteer staff and helpers. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled on our Volunteer page. Opportunities include: Materials Manager, Teachers, Substitute Teachers, Classroom Aide, etc.
[2024-2025 first day of PSR is September 9 - PSR Family Prayer Night and Meet the Teacher]
PSR is offered Monday from 4:15-5:30pm and 6:30-7:45pm for students in Grades 1-5 who attend public school. Classes take place from September to May. Each class is 1 hour and 15 minutes in length and is held in classrooms of Saint Raphael School adjacent to the church.
Staff and Events
Volunteer catechists use the Call to Faith text from Our Sunday Visitor. This text is approved by the Diocese of Cleveland and meets requirements of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops. In addition, students will experience Mass, Spiritual Olympics, Confession (if applicable), Stations of the Cross, Parish Mission Events/Speakers, and May Crowning as well as special events by grade level. These added features make the program robust and more than another classroom experience.
Curriculum focus by Grade level
Grade 1: Creation PLUS Introduction to the Sacrament of First Communion
*Grade 2: The Mass PLUS Sacrament of First Communion instruction
Grade 3: The Holy Trinity
Grade 4: The Ten Commandments
Grade 5: The Sacraments PLUS Introduction to the Bible
*Additional Sacramental Preparation registration and materials fees apply in 2nd and 8th grades in preparation for First Communion.
Arrival and Dismissal
Children in Grades 1-4 are to be escorted to and from the classroom by an adult or older sibling. Students are asked to be seated in the classroom by 4:10 or 6:25 when the first bell rings. The doors to the school are opened 5 minutes prior to dismissal so that you may be waiting for your child at the classroom door.
Carpooling is common and we ask that you discuss with the teacher who is permitted to escort your child to/from class.
The safety of our little ones is extremely important during arrival and dismissal. Please remain alert, drive slowly, and follow the direction of our Volunteer Safety Team members.
Parent Volunteering
This program operates on volunteers. Approximately 25 volunteer teachers are needed each year. Our church driveway, parking lot and school hallways require 6-7 additional parent/grandparent volunteers per session each PSR day. Each family is asked to volunteer at least once per year to assist with the safety of our students as a Parking Lot Shepherd or Traffic Coordinator. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled through our Volunteer page. Opportunities include: Teacher, Substitute Teacher, Teacher's Aide, Classroom helper, Shepherding and much more.
The Sacramental Years
Successful participation in Religion class at PSR or Catholic School is a requirement for the reception of Sacraments. If your child will be receiving the Sacrament of First Communion this year, the Sacrament is received along with the children of Saint Raphael School. Reconciliation & First Communion are traditionally prepared for and received in Second Grade with a pre-requisite of completing First Grade PSR or Home School the year prior.
Our Home School Religion program is designed for families who choose to teach their children at home. It is often utilized when family schedules do not allow for PSR in the classroom. This option is available for students in Grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5 only. If your child will be in Second Grade, it is strongly recommended that your child attend PSR in the classroom in order to prepare with fellow students receiving the Sacrament.
Program Outline
With Home School Religion, the parents are the Religion teachers. You create a plan that works for you that encompasses the following:
Orientation: Meet with our DRE in September for an orientation and to initiate the Family Faith Plan Agreement, discuss your Learning Log and the Winter and Spring Reports, as well as ask questions. Orientation dates: In the Library on Thursday, September 19 at 4:00pm or Thursday, September 19 at 7:00pm.
Weekly learning: Spend 45 minutes each week learning about our Catholic Faith using the same text used for PSR as well as any supplements or resources you find useful for your situation.
Semester Reports: Schedule a Winter and Spring report with Joanna Parsons. Student reports are presented in person along with their log each semester. Parents complete a written reflection each semester on the homeschooling experience as well.
Temporary Home School Option
If you are registered for PSR and find a need for temporary Home School during the year, please contact us to discuss arrangements. This often occurs with sports or other unforeseen scheduling conflicts and is limited to a period of six to eight weeks.
Blessings and challenges of homeschooling
Homeschooling your child in Religion may be a wonderful blessing for your family which works well for your schedule and leaves you with personal growth in your faith! Families remark on the great "God conversations" they have with their children! Unfortunately, many of our families that try this program, never complete it and their child does not receive Religion credit on their permanent record for that grade level. While we recognize that parents are the primary catechists of their children, this program can have a low success rate. The families that do Home School Religion well, love it and are good at it. Feedback from families who didn't complete the program tell us that while it seems very attractive at first, they didn't realize the discipline it takes and it was challenging to fit teaching weekly lessons into their already busy lives.
The fees outlined here help cover the cost of textbooks, classroom materials, supplies, and activities for our Parish School of Religion program. PSR Grades 1-5 & Sunday Preschool Religion are assessed $125 per student on a sliding scale.
Home School Religion is $45 per student.
Non-parishioners are assessed an additional fee of $50 per child.
Payment in full is due by April 1 of each year.
If your child will be receiving the Sacraments of First Communion this year there are additional registrations and Material Fees that apply.
Calculating PSR Fees
1 Child in PSR = $125
2 Children in PSR = $225
3 Children in PSR = $300
Homeschool Fee is $45 per student
Add $50 per child for NON-Parishioner families
NOTE: If you are calculating for multiple children in PSR and Home School, enter the Home School Fee of $45 per student last for proper calculation.
Initial payments & Payment Plans
By enrolling in our PSR program you are agreeing to the PSR fees. A $45 initial payment is due at registration. You will be invoiced for the remaining amount due when enrollment is finalized and your child is placed. You may choose to pay installments or pay in full after receiving your invoice. Payment in full is due by April 1 of each year.
Financial Assistance
A child will never be denied a Catholic Religious Education due to financial difficulty. As members of the Body of Christ, we are all family and we're here to help! Our parish has a Scholarship Fund for Religious Education that assists families with financial challenges. If you are in need, please contact Joanna Parsons in the Parish Office for a confidential conversation regarding your situation.
We ask each family to volunteer at least once during the PSR calendar year to help with the safety hallways and parking lot.
Afternoon PSR Volunteer Sign-up
Every week we have a dedicated team of over 20 volunteers who teach your children about the Catholic faith. We are proud to be able to minister to so many families for Preschool to Grade 5, but this would not be possible without the help and dedication of our wonderful PSR teachers who continuously create lesson plans, develop intriguing activities, and fun crafts all while igniting and fostering the flame given to each of us at our Baptism.
Remember your child's teacher in prayer each day, as we keep you and your family in our prayers daily. Keep the information card given to you at the Parent Information Night and use it to lift your child's teacher in prayer by name.
A simple gift card or candle can go a long way to show your appreciation for everything your child's PSR teacher does to foster their faith.
Saint Raphael Parish School of Religion admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students under the program. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)
Office Hours:
9am-8pm (M-Th)
9am-5pm (F)
10am-3:30pm (Sat)
And in the Welcome Center at weekend Mass times
Saturday Vigil
Sunday Masses
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
​Daily Masses
7:45am (M, T, W, F)
9:15am (M, T, Th, F)
Saturday 3:00 - 4:00pm & by appointment
10:00am Friday - Saturday at 4:00pm