Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:7)
Catholics Coming Home is a program designed to invite non-practicing Catholics to return home to the Catholic Church and resume active practice of their faith.
Seven week session provide updated information on the basic of Catholicism in a non-threatening, support-group format. Watch the Bulletin for details.
So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, (Ephesians 2:19)
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
​Daily Mass: 7:45am (M, T, W, F)
9:15am (M, T, Th, F)
Confession: Saturday 3:00-4:00pm & by appointment
Adoration: 10am Friday until Saturday at 4:00pm