The Parish Pastoral Council works together with the Pastor to form a leadership group from the parish community which is broadly representative of parish membership, clergy, and laity. It is meant to be an energizing, coordinating, and unifying representation of parish life which enables the individual members of the parish to have access to the processes which guide, direct, and support the various aspects of parish life. The Pastor serves the parish community entrusted to him by the Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland. The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body which unites laity and clergy in a community of prayer, leadership, service and pastoral planning. The Parish Pastoral Council prayerfully reflects on the needs of the parish and the larger community in which it exists. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Council recommends policies for the mission and faith growth of the parish community and monitors and evaluates the processes and programs which implement these policies. Membership on Parish Pastoral Council is open to registered parishioners of Saint Raphael.
The Finance Council provides expertise and consultation through financial analysis, planning, and policy development to aid the Pastor in the financial administration of the parish. The Finance Council advises the Pastor on significant financial matters and expenditures, prepares and monitors the parish budget, and encourages stewardship. Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the pastor.
The Mission of the St. Raphael School Advisory Council (SAC) is to support and promote Catholic identity and educational excellence through collaboration and communication with the Pastor, school administration and staff. SAC acts as a focus group for ideas presented by the administration and staff, SAC members, and school stakeholders. The role of SAC is to effectively research the ideas presented to the council, report back to the administration, and, where appropriate, take action as requested by school administration. SAC does not discuss policies and procedures of the school. Members also act as liaisons between school parents and administration. Feel free to contact a council member or the administration directly if you have any concerns.
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship. (Acts 2:42)
Office Hours:
9am-8pm (M-Th)
9am-5pm (F)
10am-3:30pm (Sat)
And in the Welcome Center at weekend Mass times
Saturday Vigil
Sunday Masses
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
Daily Masses
7:45am (M, T, W, F)
9:15am (M, T, Th, F)
Saturday 3:00 - 4:00pm & by appointment
10:00am Friday - Saturday at 4:00pm