Our Mission is to invite and unite Teens to encounter Christ, to empower them as His Disciples, and to inspire them to Love God and Serve His Church.

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Zak Jester

Director of Youth Ministry

  • What is HSM

    High School Ministry—or HSM for short—is the ministry to, for, by, and with the High School Teens of Saint Raphael Parish and all of Bay Village. We’re open to anyone and everyone who is interested in growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ and living a more full life. We want to help you be who you were created to be so that you can set the world on fire!

    We have lots of opportunities to join our community: Sunday Insight Nights (where we discuss interesting and challenging topics, pray together, snack, and play fun games), Retreats, Service Opportunities, Camping Trips, Eucharistic Adoration, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and sometimes just going to hockey games or playing laser tag. You can come to as much or as little as you desire… there is no minimum requirement to be a part of High School Ministry.

    We want to change the world, and we can’t do that without each and every unique personality shaping who we are and what we do. Come and check us out (we kick off each new school year in September) and help us to be the best version of ourselves. You are always welcome to join us... See you there!

  • Meet Our Youth Minister

    Hello All!

    I am so blessed to be your Youth Minister here at Saint Raphael! I hope you know that, even if we have not already met, I love you and am praying for you. I hope that you, also, will pray for me.

    Just a little bit about myself: I was born and raised just down the street in North Ridgeville, and went to Youth Group at St. Ladislas in Westlake. I started working for the Church as a Sophomore at Ignatius doing maintenance and landscaping, and, when I was a Sophomore at John Carroll, I began my journey in pastoral ministry. I once thought God might be calling me to the Priesthood, but He in fact had other plans. I got married to my High School girlfriend and best friend in 2015, and we now have two children together. 

    Outside of Church work, I umpire youth through College prep baseball and love to cook, camp, read, hike, and (when I can) get to the gym. My favorite topics to teach on and talk about include whether we can baptize extra-terrestrials (or sentient Dolphins, or Veggie Tales Characters), how to die well, the weird but true facts of the saints and the Church, and whether or not we all live in the Matrix.

    I greatly look forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you. I hope that you will join Saint Raphael High School Ministry soon!



  • Journey of Faith

    COMMUNITY:  Everyone who lives in Bay Village or Westlake, plus friends and family from anywhere near enough to drive here.

    CROWD: Anyone who is a Parishioner of Saint Raphael or attended Saint Raphael School or recevied Confirmation here.

    CONGREGATION: Anyone who has a relationship with Jesus or with HSM, even if that relationship is new, infrequent, or growing

    COMMITTED:  Anyone from whom the faith is an integrated part of their life and their relationsip with Christ is something they cherish and nourish.

    CORE:  Those who are committed and growing Disciples and who wish to give back to HSM and the parish through Ministry and Student Leadership

    COMMISSIONED:  Those who are ready to take their faith outside of HSM and High School into the wider parish and the wider world (our hope this is all committed and core teens after High School)

  • Retreat

    March 28-30, 2025

    Cost: $60, plus a case of pop & dessert or snack to share.  See permission form for more details

    Permission Form and Details

Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.  (1 Timothy 4:12)

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